Dr. Ruth Yeilding, MD

Frequently Asked Questions About Dermaplaning

What you should know and how it can help you.

A popular phrase is that beauty is skin deep. Whether you’re looking at your reflection to put on makeup, wash your face, or to evaluate your skin, chances are you see flaws that you would like to improve. There is a good possibility that dermaplaning could be the solution that you’re looking for.

Dermaplaning is a procedure that results in the removal of dead cells from the top layer of your skin. This cosmetic procedure to help the skin look smooth and to remove fine acne scarring as well as fine wrinkles.

Dermaplaning services are provided by dermatologists and plastic surgeons. There are a few common questions that are asked by those considering this treatment. These questions are address below for your convenience.  

Is this a surgery?

Dermaplaning is not a surgery. As a matter of fact, there isn’t any downtime from work or other activities required. This treatment can be given while you’re at our office for other services.

Am I a Good Candidate?

There is really no bad candidate for dermaplaning. Anyone that has skin issues such as wrinkles, acne scarring, dull or dry skin, or sun-damaged skin could benefit from this service.

Are There any Side Effects or Risks?

Dermaplaning is a low-risk procedure. You may potentially notice slight redness within the first few hours of treatment. Very few patients notice scarring or whiteheads afterwards. There are also rare cases of patchy skin pigment around the area. The provider can speak to you about these side effects and what you specifically could expect.

What Should I Do Before Treatment?

You shouldn’t use any chemical treatments on your face for a few days before you come in for treatment. You should also avoid direct sunlight or tanning beds if possible. If you have any other services that you would be receiving, they should be booked together.

How About After the Treatment?

You will need to avoid direct sunlight exposure for three days. You would also need to avoid using exfoliators, scrubs, or chlorine for one week.

How Soon Should I see Results?

You would see results relatively quickly and you can expect it to last three to four weeks. Individual results vary. The results aren’t permanent, and you may need follow up services. Your provider can offer more information on this based on your individual results.

How Much Time Will it Take?

If you have dermaplaning treatments along with our HydraFacial service, this session will last for 15 minutes. If you have any other questions about your particular time commitment, speak to the service provider before making an appointment.


Dermaplaning is one of the many services that are provided by Dr. Ruth Hill Yeilding and her staff at Yeilding Eye and Face Laser and Plastic Surgery. This service is provided our licensed aesthetician, Aimee, and is offered along with HydraFacial treatments. Don’t waste any more time wondering if you could benefit from Dermaplaning. Give Dr. Yeilding’s office a call at 407-960-1000 for more information and to set up a consultation or appointment today.

Dr. Yeilding is looking forward to meeting you!